Islamkritik - Faktum Magazin

Clarion Project:

Islam How Well Do You Know the United Nations?

Some questions with answers which mind light your mind.

(…) How well do you know the U.N.’s relationship with radical Islam?

Please take our quiz to find out (answers at the bottom of the page). (…)


  • From 2012 to 2015 the 120 member non-aligned movement was headed by which country?
  • Which country, in 2015, was elected chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council panel that appoints independent experts?
  • What is the only country in the world to be a standing item on the U.N. Human Rights Council agenda, leading the UK to slam the body for “disproportionate focus” on that country?
  • (…)
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Übersicht der Kurznews und Links

Kürzliche Nachrichten

Interview mit Professor Kutschera

By armin / 20. August 2016

Some Links & Clips

By armin / 20. August 2016

Many Links over here 😉

By armin / 19. August 2016