Lupe - Krebs - Faktum

The Harvard Crimson:

Harvard Professors Sign Statement Endorsing ‘Freedom of Expression’

Die Harvard-Professoren wehren sich gegen die fortschreitende Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit an den Universitäten.

Eleven Harvard professors and one fellow have signed a statement affirming a commitment to engaging with—and opposing efforts to “silence”—those with opposing views.

The statement, entitled “Truth Seeking, Democracy, and Freedom of Thought and Expression” is co-authored by co-authored by African and African-American Studies Professor Cornel West and Robert P. George, a Princeton professor. It was published on the program’s website on March 14, and over 600 professors, students, and college affiliates have signed the statement as of Sunday. (…)

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Interview mit Professor Kutschera

By armin / 20. August 2016

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By armin / 20. August 2016

Many Links over here 😉

By armin / 19. August 2016