Ganz im Sinne von rot-rot-grün in Berlin sind so manche Radikalfeministinnen.
[dropcap color=““ boxed=“no“ boxed_radius=“8px“ class=““ id=““]Feminist Subversion:[/dropcap] Solidarity without limits!
Wir teilen den Aufruf zu Aktionen gegen die Einheitsfeierlichkeiten am 3. Oktober in Dresden, außerdem den Aufruf zum FLTI-Block. Auf Deutsch findet ihr beides hier.
(…) On October 3, once again Germany wants to celebrate itself. This year, the main festivities of the anniversary of German unification take place in Dresden, under the slogan „Building bridges“. Brides are a good thing. You could build many bridges, for example over the Mediterranean to save the lives of tens of thousands of refugees and migrants. Especially on October 3, the third anniversary of the Lampedusa shipwreck, it would be the right time to think about how to make sure all people can cross the Mediterranean savely. This could be the beginning of the end of Fortress Europe. (…)
- We stand against patriarchal continuity!
- We don’t celebrate a national-state, which takes our right to decide over our own bodies!
- For the emancipated society!