Muslim Immigration to Europe: Facts vs. Delusions
Jay Fazya of runs the numbers and explains why immigration is one of Europe’s most pressing problems.
Swedish Women Living in Fear from both Immigrants and Extreme Feminist Militants
Katie Hopkins Visit to Sweden Exposes the Muslim’s War on White Swedish Women. This Daily Mail reporter tells Tucker Carlson how militant feminists, a conspiracy of silence and self-censorship on immigration bury the truth crimes against women in Sweden – Where females fear to tread: KATIE HOPKINS reports from Sweden, the Scandi-lib paradise where terrified women have vanished from the streets and a conspiracy of silence and self-censorship on immigration buries the truth.
I didn’t come to Sweden for the riots. Or because of Trump. In fact, I was supposed to be here in December — before airline strikes stood in my way.
I came because I was asked. Repeatedly. (…)
Wenn ein Stadtteil kippt – Schwedische No Go-Areas
Der Sprecher der Krankenwagengewerkschaft in Schweden drückt gegenüber RT Sorgen über die zunehmende Zahl sogenannter No Go Areas aus. Die Sanitäter können sich selbst oft nur mit Polizeischutz in diese Zonen begeben. Rund fünfzig No Go Areas gibt es im Land.