Clarion Project:
Islam – How Well Do You Know the United Nations?
Some questions with answers which mind light your mind.
[separator style_type=’shadow‘ top_margin=’40‘ bottom_margin=’40‘ sep_color=“ icon=“ width=“ class=“ id=“](…) How well do you know the U.N.’s relationship with radical Islam?
Please take our quiz to find out (answers at the bottom of the page). (…)
- From 2012 to 2015 the 120 member non-aligned movement was headed by which country?
- Which country, in 2015, was elected chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council panel that appoints independent experts?
- What is the only country in the world to be a standing item on the U.N. Human Rights Council agenda, leading the UK to slam the body for “disproportionate focus” on that country?
- (…)
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