Muslims Are the True Feminists
Huffington Post: Muslims Are the True Feminists (…) So it’s no surprise to see Muslim woman today modeling themselves after…
Martin van Creveld about Alice Schwarzer
(…) Personally I am convinced that feminism is one of the worst things that has ever happened to women and,…
domestic violence: Wife beats herself to lie about it
Daily Mail: Florida millionaire releases surveillance video of his ex-fiancee ‚beating herself up‘ after she claimed he attacked her Scott…
Male victims of domestic abuse often end up getting arrested themselves
The Telegraph: How male victims of domestic abuse often end up getting arrested themselves Research suggests male victimsofdomesticabusearefailingtoreportattacksforfearofbeingarrestedthemselves Male victims…
Hillary’s Saudi Sponsors Support Terrorism
Global Research: Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Islamist Extremism, Hillary’s Saudi Sponsors Support Terrorism (…) Hillary’s Saudi Sponsors Hillary Clinton’s dependence…
Not in german media: Armed man attempting to infiltrate Merkel motorcade in Prague
RT: Armed man arrested after attempting to infiltrate Merkel motorcade in Prague (…) Czech police had to use the threat…
Hillary: #GrumpGranny takes on Milo and Allum and the #AltRight boys
Judgybitch: #GrumpGranny takes on Milo and Allum and the #AltRight boys (…) It was hard to miss the striking difference…
Clip: I Learned More at McDonald’s Than at College
Can working at McDonald’s better prepare a young adult for life than attending college? For Haverford undergraduate Olivia Legaspi, college…
Sweden’s progressive values can lead to some weird situations
CAPX: Sweden’s progressive values can lead to some weird situations We should have man-free zones in schools, parks, youth activity…